No hidden and over treatment in dentistry

No hidden and over treatment in dentistry

We can see what we know, diagnose what we see, and treat what we diagnose. In following such
philosophy, I have been interested in continuing dental education and seminar, and have been prone to
introduce new learning to my patients. I had studied sleep apnea early on and have given oral appliance
to the patients. The results have always been good with TAP appliances to mild sleep apnea cases.
With aging, one in two persons snores. Sleep apnea is the phenomena which no breathing happens
during snoring. It can be diagnosed as mild, moderate, and severe depending on the frequency and
duration of no breathing through snoring while the person sleeps with a night trying in sleep lab. It is
well known that these conditions have close relationships with Alzheimer, diabetes, high blood pressure,
and car accidents due to sleepy driving. I have been exposed to something new of late. There has been
drastic increased interest in snoring and sleep apnea. Probably there is a reason for this, marketing and
the increased advertisement. We have sleep doctors system and sleep labs for sleep analysis increased
and paid well. As a result the sleep aid tool such as CPAP has been demanded and developed a lot. It
became a good market.
We want to protect ourselves from the overflowing of advertisement and marketing. There should be no
doubt between the patient and the health providers. All of us don’t want any hidden items and
overpayment for our treatment. We like to trust and believe what we were explained and provided.
Patients should be treated because there is underlying need for such a treatment. How practical and
efficient would it be if we can always trust that whatever is planned.
The diagnosis and treatment plan are prepared with all of the collecting data after meeting the patient
for the first visit. We present the optimal treatment plan for the patient. The offering treatment can be
different depending on the dentist's school background, knowledge, and experience. However, the
fundamental is the same. The most painful and problematic should be treated first, and all treatments
will be planned with the patient in the center. In my opinion, treatment itself is the main objective.
Sometimes the fee could be adjusted for the patient to provide more chance to complete the necessary
treatment. If there is an absolute need for the treatment, and you have no means of payment, then ask
if the treatment can be done on charity plan basis.

김 장 숙 <시네마 덴탈케어 원장> Tel. (661) 253-3030
